Water Filter Plant
Water is life and clean water means health. We have installed the water filter plant with chilling unit.

The CCTV surveillance provides an optimum level of privacy and security. Keeping these things in mind we have brought the entire school under CCTV seveillance.

For our faculty, our students are the primary focus and each child is involved in the learning process . Our teachers are striving hard to improve our teaching technology so that it turns learning into combination of classroom study , research and scienti

Library plays a vital role throughout our life . Library provides the students very healthy , calm and disciplined environment which helps students to maintain a good concentration on their studies.

Science Laboratory
Children are able to retain the knowledge for longer when they perform the experiment . Science lab equipment allows students to interact directly with the data gathered. They get a first-hand learning by performing various experiments by their own.

Computer Laboratory
Our computer lab has well equipped infrastructure . The students have unlimited access to computer and online exams. The lab is equipped with multimedia computers running windows,, MS Office.

Maths Lab
It helps the students to build interest and confidence in learning Maths.The laboratory provides opportunity to exhibit the relatedness of mathematical concepts with day to day life.It provides greater scope for individual participation in the process of

Language Lab
The learners Develop a continuous interest to learn the language as it encourages them to understand it and facilities the understanding of the concepts of the language. Our English lab is designed to provide the learners with a strong platform for practi